As a blaze of autumn colors transforms Southampton, my thoughts turn to trees. Their grace, their resilience, their magic. But what strikes me most deeply is their interconnectedness. Did you know that what we see aboveground is matched and often exceeded underground, where the roots of trees form an interweaving network that many scientists believe serves as a path of communication, of sustenance, and even of warning to one another. The strength of trees is their interdependence. It even has a name: the World Wide Wood.
Meadow Lane Staffing is part of such a system of deep roots. Crimmins Residential Staffing, based in Greenwich, is the “Mother” tree; British Society Staffing in Palm Beach and Meadow Lane in the Hamptons are hyperlocal divisions of that root system. As a team, we have a culture of sharing. We learn about one another’s searches, share our great candidate discoveries, and pitch in when a colleague needs support to make the best possible placement for our clients. We are interdependent. And we flourish in our connectedness.
For our clients, a caring and skilled staff can be a significant part of their own root system. Staff are often essential players in the family’s lifestyle, and their loyalty and dependability can make a huge difference in being able to create a happy household – and often to maintain multiple homes with the same diligence.
If you have such a staff, count your blessings. And if you only wish for it, then please contact us and let us help you find the staff who can support your root system. We would love to connect with you.